The Fatal Eggs

Off Broadway at the American Theatre of Actors - 2014

Based on the novella by Mikhail Bulgakov
Adapted for the stage by Dustin Wills and Ilya Khodosh
Directed By Dustin Wills
Produced by Lauren Wainwright
Dramaturgy by Kate Atwell
Scenic Design by Kate Noll and Carmen Martinez
Lighting Design by Solomon Weisbard
Costume design by Nikki Delhomme
Projection Design by Solomon Weisbard
Sound Design by Matt Otto
Musical Direction by Daniel Schlosberg
Stage Managed by Tori Sheehan
Technical Direction by Matt Groeneveld
Asst. Lighting design by Dylan Amick
Asst. Costume design by Seth Bodie
Scenic Charge by Kevin Klakouski
Photos by Christopher Ash

Featuring performances by Chris Bannow, Josiah Bania, Ceci Fernandez, Ilya Khodosh, Michelle McGregor, Jeanna Phillips, Sathya Sridharan, and Mickey Theis.


A curmudgeonly Soviet scientist discovers the hope for humanity: the ray of life! But when the government steals his invention, untold horrors are unleashed. Equal parts provocative satire and madcap science fiction, The Fatal Eggs skewers political incompetence and corruption, misguided faith in technology, a gullible and complacent populace, and a fear-mongering media. It's the apocalyptic story of a decaying civilization. It’s a monster tale of utopian intentions gone awry, and a beautiful rumination on what is lost in a culture fueled by exploitation and desire. Seven actors perform 56 different roles in this dizzying seventy-five minute race toward apocalypse.